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  • Writer's pictureIllustrator_Bosco

How to draw...

Well it turns out Nike, Shia Labeouf, and Senator Palpatine were right. You just have to do it (or dew it). After being out of school for over six years, I really lost my way. I never truly gained confidence as an artist. I started being anxious about drawing, always assuming that whatever I drew wouldn't be good enough. Over the last month I took some online classes to get back to basics and it forced me to draw every day. I stopped worrying about how the end result would look and just drew for study purposes. This resulted in better execution and more creativity.

I knew my sketch work was more lively than my ink work, but never knew how to fix it. It turned out that by just placing the lines down on paper, I could keep the liveliness of my sketch work. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be fun and anxiety free.

I wish I could have figured this all out years ago, but I'm glad I know now. The mediums and techniques you use are just details. To be creative you just have to take time to sit down and do it.

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